Quorum - Minimum amount of $CGG needed to participate for a vote to pass.
Voting Power - Your balance of $CGG accross Mainnet, Eth, and BSC. Subject to change based on additional weighted CG assets.
DAO - A Decentralized Autonomous Organization. It is a governance tool used to promote transparency among a groups actions through open discussion, feedback, and voting. It allows for a less hierarchal approach to governance by providing a structure for governance token holder to vote, pass, and implement proposals.
Proposal - A directive or request that has undergone community discussion and review phases. A proposal is what community members will vote on.
Snapshot Vote - A Snapshot vote is an offchain poll used to signal interest
GB - The CGDAO Guardian Board
GIP (Guardian Improvement Proposals) - Significant proposals affecting main protocols and process, governances process and any significant change in direction.
Star Contracts - CG branded name for a proposal. Does not indicate impact or any other factors.
Last updated
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